Figure 3
Figure 3. Repression of PU.1 targets by GATA-1 in G1ME cells. The columns represent triplicate MIGR1 or MIGR1-GATA-1 transduced G1ME cells sorted by GFP positivity 42 hours after infection. The color scale ranges from green to red, corresponding to decreases and increases, respectively, in expression level. Transcripts shown are a cohort of PU.1 targets, with approximately two-thirds down-regulated by GATA-1 restoration.

Repression of PU.1 targets by GATA-1 in G1ME cells. The columns represent triplicate MIGR1 or MIGR1-GATA-1 transduced G1ME cells sorted by GFP positivity 42 hours after infection. The color scale ranges from green to red, corresponding to decreases and increases, respectively, in expression level. Transcripts shown are a cohort of PU.1 targets, with approximately two-thirds down-regulated by GATA-1 restoration.

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