Figure 3
Figure 3. Effect of TCR syngeneic and allogeneic HCT on the recipient's Treg compartment. B6 (CD45.2, Thy1.2) mice were conditioned with 9.5 Gy TBI and transplanted 1 day later with TCD-BM from B6-Thy1.1 congenic mice or TCR with 5 × 106 purified CD4+CD8− and CD4−CD8+ cells from CD45.1+Thy1.2+ B6 mice. Four weeks later, the CD4+FoxP3+ T-cell compartment was analyzed in the spleen and lymph nodes from 4 mice. (A) Data from a representative mouse illustrate (1) the residual host (CD4+FoxP3+Thy1.2+) Treg cells in recipients of TCD transplants (panels 2 and 8), as well as in recipients of TCR transplants (panels 5 and 11, top left quadrant by subtraction of percentage donor transplanted CD45.1+ Thy1.2+ (panels 6 and 12); (2) Treg cells transplanted in the donor inoculum (panels 6 and 12); and (3) donor BM (CD4+FoxP3+Thy1.1+) derived (panels 2, 5, 8, and 11, bottom right quadrants). (B) The summary of the average overall percentage contribution of residual Tregs, donor BM-derived Tregs, and transplanted donor Treg cells from both groups of transplant recipients (n = 4/group). *Significant difference between groups: P < .001, 1-way repeated measure ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test compared with BM only in the specified organ. (C) Lack of host CD4+FoxP3+ T cells in recipients of TCR allogeneic BM transplants. BALB.B (8.25 Gy TBI) recipients of 2 × 106 TCD BM alone (top panels), or together with 7 × 106 B6 lymph node T cells (bottom panels) were examined at 4 (spleen) and 5 (lymph nodes) weeks post-HCT for CD4+FoxP3+ Treg cells of host (Ly9.1+) or donor (Ly9.1−) origin. Data from an individual transplant recipient is presented as percentage CD4+FoxP3+ of host (vs donor) origin (histograms). Identical results were observed from 2 additional recipients at this time point.

Effect of TCR syngeneic and allogeneic HCT on the recipient's Treg compartment. B6 (CD45.2, Thy1.2) mice were conditioned with 9.5 Gy TBI and transplanted 1 day later with TCD-BM from B6-Thy1.1 congenic mice or TCR with 5 × 106 purified CD4+CD8 and CD4CD8+ cells from CD45.1+Thy1.2+ B6 mice. Four weeks later, the CD4+FoxP3+ T-cell compartment was analyzed in the spleen and lymph nodes from 4 mice. (A) Data from a representative mouse illustrate (1) the residual host (CD4+FoxP3+Thy1.2+) Treg cells in recipients of TCD transplants (panels 2 and 8), as well as in recipients of TCR transplants (panels 5 and 11, top left quadrant by subtraction of percentage donor transplanted CD45.1+ Thy1.2+ (panels 6 and 12); (2) Treg cells transplanted in the donor inoculum (panels 6 and 12); and (3) donor BM (CD4+FoxP3+Thy1.1+) derived (panels 2, 5, 8, and 11, bottom right quadrants). (B) The summary of the average overall percentage contribution of residual Tregs, donor BM-derived Tregs, and transplanted donor Treg cells from both groups of transplant recipients (n = 4/group). *Significant difference between groups: P < .001, 1-way repeated measure ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test compared with BM only in the specified organ. (C) Lack of host CD4+FoxP3+ T cells in recipients of TCR allogeneic BM transplants. BALB.B (8.25 Gy TBI) recipients of 2 × 106 TCD BM alone (top panels), or together with 7 × 106 B6 lymph node T cells (bottom panels) were examined at 4 (spleen) and 5 (lymph nodes) weeks post-HCT for CD4+FoxP3+ Treg cells of host (Ly9.1+) or donor (Ly9.1) origin. Data from an individual transplant recipient is presented as percentage CD4+FoxP3+ of host (vs donor) origin (histograms). Identical results were observed from 2 additional recipients at this time point.

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