Figure 6
Figure 6. Comparison of the effect of poly I:C and LPS on TF and TM expression in aortic endothelium of WT and TLR3−/− mice in vivo. Mice were treated with poly I:C, LPS, or PBS, and the aortas were removed and processed for enface microscopy. Aortic endothelium from 4 to 6 mice per treatment group was analyzed for TF and TM expression by immunfluorescence analysis using rhodamine-coupled secondary antibody. As a control, each section was also stained with the endothelial marker, BS-1, that was directly labeled with FITC.

Comparison of the effect of poly I:C and LPS on TF and TM expression in aortic endothelium of WT and TLR3−/−mice in vivo. Mice were treated with poly I:C, LPS, or PBS, and the aortas were removed and processed for enface microscopy. Aortic endothelium from 4 to 6 mice per treatment group was analyzed for TF and TM expression by immunfluorescence analysis using rhodamine-coupled secondary antibody. As a control, each section was also stained with the endothelial marker, BS-1, that was directly labeled with FITC.

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