Figure 3
Figure 3. Gross hemorrhage in Mx+fIIlox/− mice after Cre-mediated recombination of the fIIlox allele. (A) Normal brain in a control mouse. (B,C) Dural-based hemorrhage in Mx+fIIlox/− animals after administration of poly I:C. CNS hemorrhage was observed in dural, ventricular, and parenchymal areas of poly I:C-treated Mx+fIIlox/− mice. Additional sites of hemorrhage after recombination of the fIIlox allele include thigh (D), testes (E), and skin (F). Mx+fIIlox/− treated with poly I:C would often have multiple sites of subcutaneous hemorrhage in addition to other more life-threatening areas of hemorrhage.

Gross hemorrhage in Mx+fIIlox/− mice after Cre-mediated recombination of the fIIlox allele. (A) Normal brain in a control mouse. (B,C) Dural-based hemorrhage in Mx+fIIlox/− animals after administration of poly I:C. CNS hemorrhage was observed in dural, ventricular, and parenchymal areas of poly I:C-treated Mx+fIIlox/− mice. Additional sites of hemorrhage after recombination of the fIIlox allele include thigh (D), testes (E), and skin (F). Mx+fIIlox/− treated with poly I:C would often have multiple sites of subcutaneous hemorrhage in addition to other more life-threatening areas of hemorrhage.

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