Figure 6
Figure 6. Analysis of carotid arterial thrombosis in mice. Representative flow tracings recorded in response to FeCl3 injuryto carotid arteries of (A) Flox/flox and (B) Flox/flox/Cre mice. Time of stable occlusion is shown by an arrow. (C) Graphic representation of flow (mL/min) as a function of time for Flox/flox and Flox/floxCre mice. P < .05 for all times from 4 minutes to 15 minutes. (D) Time to stable occlusion (stable occlusion is defined as patency ≤ 25% for ≥ 3 minutes) is plotted as a Kaplan-Meier Curve for the same mice. By log rank analysis, P = .001. There were no significant differences between males and females in their flow rates or propensity to occlude in either group.

Analysis of carotid arterial thrombosis in mice. Representative flow tracings recorded in response to FeCl3 injuryto carotid arteries of (A) Flox/flox and (B) Flox/flox/Cre mice. Time of stable occlusion is shown by an arrow. (C) Graphic representation of flow (mL/min) as a function of time for Flox/flox and Flox/floxCre mice. P < .05 for all times from 4 minutes to 15 minutes. (D) Time to stable occlusion (stable occlusion is defined as patency ≤ 25% for ≥ 3 minutes) is plotted as a Kaplan-Meier Curve for the same mice. By log rank analysis, P = .001. There were no significant differences between males and females in their flow rates or propensity to occlude in either group.

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