Figure 5
Figure 5. Analysis of aPTT and tail vein bleeding time. (A) aPTT was measured in Flox/flox (n = 3) and Flox/flox/Cre (n = 4) mice from blood collected at the time of kill in animals not subjected to FeCl3 injury. (B) Tail vein bleeding times were performed in Flox/flox (n = 5) and Flox/flox/Cre mice (n = 5). P = NS for all groups.

Analysis of aPTT and tail vein bleeding time. (A) aPTT was measured in Flox/flox (n = 3) and Flox/flox/Cre (n = 4) mice from blood collected at the time of kill in animals not subjected to FeCl3 injury. (B) Tail vein bleeding times were performed in Flox/flox (n = 5) and Flox/flox/Cre mice (n = 5). P = NS for all groups.

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