Figure 5
Figure 5. Ectopic expression of spi-1l mRNA restores myeloid markers in pu.1 morphants. (A-F) Lateral view of 26-hpf embryos. Probes for genes, morpholino, and injection mixture used are as indicated. Red and blue arrows indicate mRNA expression in the YK region and the CHT, respectively. Wild-type expression of lcp1 (A) and mpx (B) in uninjected embryos. Spi-1 MO eliminates lcp1 (C) and mpx (D) expression. Embryos coinjected with pu.1 MO and spi-1l mRNA recover some lcp1 (E) and mpx (F) expression. (G) Table demonstrating percentage of embryos and the number of cells per embryo expressing mpx and lcp1 in wild-type, pu.1 MO, and embryos coinjected with spi-1l mRNA and pu.1 MO.

Ectopic expression of spi-1l mRNA restores myeloid markers in pu.1 morphants. (A-F) Lateral view of 26-hpf embryos. Probes for genes, morpholino, and injection mixture used are as indicated. Red and blue arrows indicate mRNA expression in the YK region and the CHT, respectively. Wild-type expression of lcp1 (A) and mpx (B) in uninjected embryos. Spi-1 MO eliminates lcp1 (C) and mpx (D) expression. Embryos coinjected with pu.1 MO and spi-1l mRNA recover some lcp1 (E) and mpx (F) expression. (G) Table demonstrating percentage of embryos and the number of cells per embryo expressing mpx and lcp1 in wild-type, pu.1 MO, and embryos coinjected with spi-1l mRNA and pu.1 MO.

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