Figure 3
Figure 3. BrHPP plus mAbs increase TCRVγ9+ γδ T-cell–mediated ADCC. (A) The percentage of CD107a+ cells in total TCRVγ9 lymphocytes u pon 4-hour incubation with various CD20+ B-cell lymphomas in the specified conditions. (B) ADCC of various CD20+ lymphoma cells by RTX and BrHPP-activated γδ T cells. Tumor cell lysis by RTX alone (100, 50, and 10 μg/mL): ; PAg-activated γδ T cells alone (E/T ratio 30:1, 10:1, and 1:1): ▨; RTX (10 μg/mL) plus PAg-activated γδ T cells (E/T ratio 30:1, 10:1, and 1:1): ; data show means ± SD from 3 to 8 experiments, each with different donor. (C) Specific lysis of CD20+ RL cells by RTX and PAg-activated γδ T lymphocytes results from ADCC (means ± 1 SD from 3 experiments each with a different donor. (D) ADCC of CD52+ RL cells with ALZ plus PAg-activated γδ T cells, as in panel C. (E) ADCC of HER2+ SKBR3 mammary carcinoma cells with TTZ plus PAg-activated γδ T cells, as in panel C. P < .05 by Mann-Whitney rank sum tests.

BrHPP plus mAbs increase TCRVγ9+ γδ T-cell–mediated ADCC. (A) The percentage of CD107a+ cells in total TCRVγ9 lymphocytes u pon 4-hour incubation with various CD20+ B-cell lymphomas in the specified conditions. (B) ADCC of various CD20+ lymphoma cells by RTX and BrHPP-activated γδ T cells. Tumor cell lysis by RTX alone (100, 50, and 10 μg/mL): ; PAg-activated γδ T cells alone (E/T ratio 30:1, 10:1, and 1:1): ▨; RTX (10 μg/mL) plus PAg-activated γδ T cells (E/T ratio 30:1, 10:1, and 1:1): ; data show means ± SD from 3 to 8 experiments, each with different donor. (C) Specific lysis of CD20+ RL cells by RTX and PAg-activated γδ T lymphocytes results from ADCC (means ± 1 SD from 3 experiments each with a different donor. (D) ADCC of CD52+ RL cells with ALZ plus PAg-activated γδ T cells, as in panel C. (E) ADCC of HER2+ SKBR3 mammary carcinoma cells with TTZ plus PAg-activated γδ T cells, as in panel C. P < .05 by Mann-Whitney rank sum tests.

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