Figure 4
Figure 4. Wnt3a deficiency affects myeloid progenitors without impairing terminal differentiation. (A) E12.5 Wnt3a−/− livers show decreased frequency of myeloid CD11b+ (Mac1) and CD11b+ F4/80− immature subsets, accessed by flow cytometric analysis. Numbers in quadrants denote frequencies of cells gated as indicated. (B) Frequency of CD11b+ myeloid cells and F4/80 (+/−) subsets in total FL. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 5 Wt and 4 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters. (C) Numbers of colonies yielded by Wt and Wnt3a−/− FLs in methilcelulose colony assays. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 6 Wt and 3 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters, done in triplicate. P = 3.9 × 10−4. (D) Relative frequency of the different colonies determined by morphologic analysis and confirmed by staining with May-Grunwald Giemsa. Data are representative of 4 Wt and 3 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters. M, Macrophage; G, granulocyte; BFU-E, burst forming unit-erythrocyte; Mix, mixed (containing at least 3 different types of cells). (E) Erythroid colony-forming unit (CFU-E) assay of Wt and Wnt3a−/− FLs cells. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 5 Wt and 4 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters, done in triplicate. (F) Flow cytometry analysis of myeloid progenitor subsets in the FL of Wt and Wnt3a−/− embryos. Lineage-negative cells were electronically gated and analyzed for c-Kit, Sca1 and IL-7R expression. c-Kit+ Sca1− IL-7R− cells were then analyzed for CD34 and FcγR II/III expression. Numbers next to outlined areas indicate the percentage of cells in each progenitor subset (CMP-FcγRlo CD34+; GMP-FcγRhi CD34+; MEP-FcγRlo CD34−). (G) Frequency of CMPs, GMPs, and MEPs in total FL. The averages are indicated by a dash. Data from 11 Wt and 6 Wnt3a−/− FLs, belonging to 6 different litters identified by different colors. P values are indicated.

Wnt3a deficiency affects myeloid progenitors without impairing terminal differentiation. (A) E12.5 Wnt3a−/− livers show decreased frequency of myeloid CD11b+ (Mac1) and CD11b+ F4/80 immature subsets, accessed by flow cytometric analysis. Numbers in quadrants denote frequencies of cells gated as indicated. (B) Frequency of CD11b+ myeloid cells and F4/80 (+/−) subsets in total FL. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 5 Wt and 4 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters. (C) Numbers of colonies yielded by Wt and Wnt3a−/− FLs in methilcelulose colony assays. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 6 Wt and 3 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters, done in triplicate. P = 3.9 × 10−4. (D) Relative frequency of the different colonies determined by morphologic analysis and confirmed by staining with May-Grunwald Giemsa. Data are representative of 4 Wt and 3 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters. M, Macrophage; G, granulocyte; BFU-E, burst forming unit-erythrocyte; Mix, mixed (containing at least 3 different types of cells). (E) Erythroid colony-forming unit (CFU-E) assay of Wt and Wnt3a−/− FLs cells. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 5 Wt and 4 Wnt3a−/− FLs, from 3 different litters, done in triplicate. (F) Flow cytometry analysis of myeloid progenitor subsets in the FL of Wt and Wnt3a−/− embryos. Lineage-negative cells were electronically gated and analyzed for c-Kit, Sca1 and IL-7R expression. c-Kit+ Sca1 IL-7R cells were then analyzed for CD34 and FcγR II/III expression. Numbers next to outlined areas indicate the percentage of cells in each progenitor subset (CMP-FcγRlo CD34+; GMP-FcγRhi CD34+; MEP-FcγRlo CD34). (G) Frequency of CMPs, GMPs, and MEPs in total FL. The averages are indicated by a dash. Data from 11 Wt and 6 Wnt3a−/− FLs, belonging to 6 different litters identified by different colors. P values are indicated.

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