Figure 2
Figure 2. Wnt3a−/− LSKs efficiently repopulate primary recipient mice in competitive assays. Lethally irradiated Ly5.1 mice were transplanted with sorted LSK cells (Ly5.2), from Wt or Wnt3a−/− FLs, together with unfractionated FL cells (Ly5.1), to have a competition of approximately 1:1. (A) Repopulation efficiency (percentage of Ly5.2 cells) was analyzed in peripheral blood at the indicated time points. Graph shows mean plus or minus SD of 7 and 3 mice that received Wt and Wnt3a−/− LSKs, respectively. (B) Repopulation efficiency (percentage of Ly5.2 cells) was analyzed in BM of recipient mice at 12 weeks. Numbers in quadrants indicate the percentage of total Ly5.1 or Ly5.2 cells. (C) Analysis of the HSC compartment. Lin− Ly5.2+ cells were electronically gated and analyzed for Sca1 and c-Kit to define LSK population. (D) Percentage of Ly5.2 LSK cells in total BM of the recipient mice. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 7 mice repopulated with Wt cells and 3 mice repopulated with Wnt3a−/− cells. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments.

Wnt3a−/− LSKs efficiently repopulate primary recipient mice in competitive assays. Lethally irradiated Ly5.1 mice were transplanted with sorted LSK cells (Ly5.2), from Wt or Wnt3a−/− FLs, together with unfractionated FL cells (Ly5.1), to have a competition of approximately 1:1. (A) Repopulation efficiency (percentage of Ly5.2 cells) was analyzed in peripheral blood at the indicated time points. Graph shows mean plus or minus SD of 7 and 3 mice that received Wt and Wnt3a−/− LSKs, respectively. (B) Repopulation efficiency (percentage of Ly5.2 cells) was analyzed in BM of recipient mice at 12 weeks. Numbers in quadrants indicate the percentage of total Ly5.1 or Ly5.2 cells. (C) Analysis of the HSC compartment. Lin Ly5.2+ cells were electronically gated and analyzed for Sca1 and c-Kit to define LSK population. (D) Percentage of Ly5.2 LSK cells in total BM of the recipient mice. Data are mean plus or minus SD of 7 mice repopulated with Wt cells and 3 mice repopulated with Wnt3a−/− cells. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments.

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