Figure 4
Figure 4. A candidate nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) detected in BAFF-R is important for NHL-B-cell proliferation and survival. (A) Top is the BAFF-R protein sequence with the putative NLS underlined. Bottom is the wild-type NLS with the mutated amino acids underlined. (B) Nuclear extracts from NHL-B cells transfected with an empty plasmid, a BAFF-R expression plasmid, or a BAFF-R NLS mutant expression plasmid were probed with BAFF-R or Oct-1(nuclear-protein loading control) antibody in WB. (C) A representative 48-hour XTT proliferation assay of NHL-B cells (MS) transfected with a control plasmid, a BAFF-R expression plasmid, or a BAFF-R NLS-mutant expression plasmid was performed. The error bars indicate SD of triplicate samples.

A candidate nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) detected in BAFF-R is important for NHL-B-cell proliferation and survival. (A) Top is the BAFF-R protein sequence with the putative NLS underlined. Bottom is the wild-type NLS with the mutated amino acids underlined. (B) Nuclear extracts from NHL-B cells transfected with an empty plasmid, a BAFF-R expression plasmid, or a BAFF-R NLS mutant expression plasmid were probed with BAFF-R or Oct-1(nuclear-protein loading control) antibody in WB. (C) A representative 48-hour XTT proliferation assay of NHL-B cells (MS) transfected with a control plasmid, a BAFF-R expression plasmid, or a BAFF-R NLS-mutant expression plasmid was performed. The error bars indicate SD of triplicate samples.

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