Figure 2
Figure 2. Nuclear BAFF-R is a high-molecular-weight multimer. (A) Whole-cell lysates (100 μg) from NHL-B cells (MS) transfected with a BAFF-R expression plasmid were treated with (D, denatured) or without (N, nondenatured) β-ME and then probed with anti–BAFF-R antibody by Western blot analysis. (B) Nuclear lysates (50 μg) from NHL-B cells were treated with or without β-ME and then probed with anti–BAFF-R antibody.

Nuclear BAFF-R is a high-molecular-weight multimer. (A) Whole-cell lysates (100 μg) from NHL-B cells (MS) transfected with a BAFF-R expression plasmid were treated with (D, denatured) or without (N, nondenatured) β-ME and then probed with anti–BAFF-R antibody by Western blot analysis. (B) Nuclear lysates (50 μg) from NHL-B cells were treated with or without β-ME and then probed with anti–BAFF-R antibody.

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