Figure 5
Figure 5. DLL4 blockade increased cord length, but decreased branch point number and suppressed VEGF-induced ephrinB2 expression. (A) Effect of MHD4-46 on HUVEC and HMEVC tubular formation. Representative microphotographs at ×100 magnification from triplicate wells of experiments repeated twice are shown. (B,C) Quantitative data of cord length (B) and brunch point number (C). (D) Protein expression of ephrinB2 and β-action in HUVECs and HMVECs. (E) The relative expression of ephrinB2 to β-action was measured by densitometric analysis. Data are shown as mean plus or minus SE of triplicate wells from the representative result of 3 independent experiments. *P < .05 versus control, §P < .05 versus VEGF, †P < .05 versus MHD4-46 by 1-way ANOVA with Fisher least-significant-difference test.

DLL4 blockade increased cord length, but decreased branch point number and suppressed VEGF-induced ephrinB2 expression. (A) Effect of MHD4-46 on HUVEC and HMEVC tubular formation. Representative microphotographs at ×100 magnification from triplicate wells of experiments repeated twice are shown. (B,C) Quantitative data of cord length (B) and brunch point number (C). (D) Protein expression of ephrinB2 and β-action in HUVECs and HMVECs. (E) The relative expression of ephrinB2 to β-action was measured by densitometric analysis. Data are shown as mean plus or minus SE of triplicate wells from the representative result of 3 independent experiments. *P < .05 versus control, §P < .05 versus VEGF, †P < .05 versus MHD4-46 by 1-way ANOVA with Fisher least-significant-difference test.

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