Figure 1
Figure 1. Antiproliferative effects of tipifarnib-containing combinations. (A,B) Log-phase HL-60 cells were treated with the indicated concentration of etoposide (○, A), tipifarnib (○, B), or the combination at a 2:1 ratio (●, A,B). (C) Combination index values calculated from the data shown in panels A and B when data were analyzed by the median effect method59 as previously described in detail.60 (D) Summary of results obtained when tipifarnib was combined with multiple orally bioavailable antileukemic agents. Results are expressed as the mean ± SD of combination index values at the IC50 and IC90 in the indicated number of independent experiments.

Antiproliferative effects of tipifarnib-containing combinations. (A,B) Log-phase HL-60 cells were treated with the indicated concentration of etoposide (○, A), tipifarnib (○, B), or the combination at a 2:1 ratio (●, A,B). (C) Combination index values calculated from the data shown in panels A and B when data were analyzed by the median effect method59  as previously described in detail.60  (D) Summary of results obtained when tipifarnib was combined with multiple orally bioavailable antileukemic agents. Results are expressed as the mean ± SD of combination index values at the IC50 and IC90 in the indicated number of independent experiments.

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