Figure 7
Figure 7. Regulation of cell proliferation by FoxO3a. (Left) Growth factor signals in HSCs of stressed or aged wild-type mice. Growth factor signals activate both AKT-mTOR and MEK-ERK pathways. These pathways cooperatively stimulate cell proliferation, in turn up-regulating Spred2 and CDK inhibitors to oppose proliferation through negative feedback. (Right) Growth factor signals in HSCs of stressed or aged FoxO3a-deficient mice. In the absence of FoxO3a, negative feedback pathways up-regulating Spred2 and p27Kip1 expression and antagonizing proliferation are strongly inhibited in HSCs, and AKT and ERK are hyperactivated, resulting in myeloproliferation.

Regulation of cell proliferation by FoxO3a. (Left) Growth factor signals in HSCs of stressed or aged wild-type mice. Growth factor signals activate both AKT-mTOR and MEK-ERK pathways. These pathways cooperatively stimulate cell proliferation, in turn up-regulating Spred2 and CDK inhibitors to oppose proliferation through negative feedback. (Right) Growth factor signals in HSCs of stressed or aged FoxO3a-deficient mice. In the absence of FoxO3a, negative feedback pathways up-regulating Spred2 and p27Kip1 expression and antagonizing proliferation are strongly inhibited in HSCs, and AKT and ERK are hyperactivated, resulting in myeloproliferation.

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