Figure 2
Figure 2. Cell-autonomous regulation of granulopoiesis by FoxO3a. (A) A schematic experimental procedure is shown. BMT indicates bone marrow transplantation. (B) Peripheral blood counts in mice that received a transplant of wild-type (□; n = 5) or FoxO3a-deficient (■; n = 5) cells following 5-FU treatment. Data are means (×1000/μL) plus or minus SD of WBCs (×1000/μL), plus or minus SD of platelets, and (grams per deciliter) plus or minus SD of Hb. (C) Mice that received a transplant of FoxO3a-deficient cells develop neutrophilia following 5-FU injection. The peripheral blood smear was stained with May-Gruenwald Giemsa, and the frequency of neutrophils in peripheral blood was determined. Data are mean frequency (%) plus or minus SD of neutrophils in peripheral WBCs of mice that received a transplant of FoxO3a-deficient (■; n = 5) or wild-type (□; n = 5) cells 18 days after 5-FU injection. *P < .01.

Cell-autonomous regulation of granulopoiesis by FoxO3a. (A) A schematic experimental procedure is shown. BMT indicates bone marrow transplantation. (B) Peripheral blood counts in mice that received a transplant of wild-type (□; n = 5) or FoxO3a-deficient (■; n = 5) cells following 5-FU treatment. Data are means (×1000/μL) plus or minus SD of WBCs (×1000/μL), plus or minus SD of platelets, and (grams per deciliter) plus or minus SD of Hb. (C) Mice that received a transplant of FoxO3a-deficient cells develop neutrophilia following 5-FU injection. The peripheral blood smear was stained with May-Gruenwald Giemsa, and the frequency of neutrophils in peripheral blood was determined. Data are mean frequency (%) plus or minus SD of neutrophils in peripheral WBCs of mice that received a transplant of FoxO3a-deficient (■; n = 5) or wild-type (□; n = 5) cells 18 days after 5-FU injection. *P < .01.

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