Figure 5
Figure 5. hem6 reticulocytes are Alas2 deficient. Alas (Alas1 + Alas2) enzymatic activity normalized to reticulocyte RNA content, Alas2 mRNA levels normalized to β-actin mRNA levels, and the ratio of normalized Alas activity to normalized Alas2 mRNA. Each value is expressed in arbitrary units plus or minus 1 SD.

hem6 reticulocytes are Alas2 deficient. Alas (Alas1 + Alas2) enzymatic activity normalized to reticulocyte RNA content, Alas2 mRNA levels normalized to β-actin mRNA levels, and the ratio of normalized Alas activity to normalized Alas2 mRNA. Each value is expressed in arbitrary units plus or minus 1 SD.

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