Figure 4
Figure 4. K14-HIF-1αDPM mice exhibit epidermal and dermal inflammatory infiltrates accompanied by hyperplastic cutaneous blood vessels and lymphovascular dilation. Increase of GR1+ neutrophils in green (A-D) and F4/80+ macrophages in green (E-H) 6 hours (B,F) and 10 days after TPA challenge (D,H) in transgenic ears (DPM) compared with nontransgenic littermates (NTG) (A, E, C, and G, respectively). Counterstaining with a keratin-14 antibody (red) highlights the differential persistent increase in epidermal thickness in transgenic mice. Progressive increase in microvascular density (MECA32, green) along with lymphovascular dilatation (LYVE-1, red) is observed between the 6-hour and 10-day after TPA time intervals in transgenic ears (J,L) compared with nontransgenic littermates (I,K). Bar in panel A represents 100 μm. Real-time TaqMan RT-PCR analysis of keratinocyte chemokine (KC) (M), macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) (N), and TNFα (O) expression from total RNA isolated from ears of transgenic and nontransgenic controls, using histone 3.3A as a reference, at baseline and 1 hour after TPA treatment. KC (P), MIP-2 (Q), and TNFα. (R) ELISA assays reveal significantly higher protein expression in the inflamed ears of transgenic mice after 3 hours and 10 days after a single TPA application. Error bars represent mean plus or minus SEM of 4 to 6 mice analyzed per group (*P < .05).

K14-HIF-1αDPM mice exhibit epidermal and dermal inflammatory infiltrates accompanied by hyperplastic cutaneous blood vessels and lymphovascular dilation. Increase of GR1+ neutrophils in green (A-D) and F4/80+ macrophages in green (E-H) 6 hours (B,F) and 10 days after TPA challenge (D,H) in transgenic ears (DPM) compared with nontransgenic littermates (NTG) (A, E, C, and G, respectively). Counterstaining with a keratin-14 antibody (red) highlights the differential persistent increase in epidermal thickness in transgenic mice. Progressive increase in microvascular density (MECA32, green) along with lymphovascular dilatation (LYVE-1, red) is observed between the 6-hour and 10-day after TPA time intervals in transgenic ears (J,L) compared with nontransgenic littermates (I,K). Bar in panel A represents 100 μm. Real-time TaqMan RT-PCR analysis of keratinocyte chemokine (KC) (M), macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) (N), and TNFα (O) expression from total RNA isolated from ears of transgenic and nontransgenic controls, using histone 3.3A as a reference, at baseline and 1 hour after TPA treatment. KC (P), MIP-2 (Q), and TNFα. (R) ELISA assays reveal significantly higher protein expression in the inflamed ears of transgenic mice after 3 hours and 10 days after a single TPA application. Error bars represent mean plus or minus SEM of 4 to 6 mice analyzed per group (*P < .05).

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