Figure 1
Figure 1. Expression of LSECtin mRNA in human MDDC. (A) Relative levels of LSECtin, DC-SIGN, and CD23 mRNA in immature and mature MDDC as determined by gene expression profiling using Codelink Whole Genome Bioarrays. (B) Relative levels of LSECtin mRNA in immature MDDC from two independent donors and monocyte-derived macrophages generated in the presence of either GM-CSF or M-CSF from three independent donors, as determined by gene expression profiling using Codelink Whole Genome Bioarrays. Values represent the intensity of expression normalized with the median of all the intensity values in the microarray. (C) Detection of LSECtin mRNA in hematopoietic cells, cell lines, and in vitro–generated monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells. Total RNA was isolated from the indicated cells and cell lines and subjected to RT-PCR for amplification of the LSECtin coding region and GAPDH (as control). Analyzed RNA was obtained from endothelial cells from normal and HHT donors, resting and activated NK cells, the NK3 NK cell clone, peripheral blood T lymphocytes, MDM (interferon-γ-activated, CAMØ; IL-4-activated, AAMØ), immature or mature (with either lipopolysaccharide or tumor necrosis factor-α) MDDC, and the THP-1 and K562 leukemic cell lines. (D) Schematic representation of the structure of LSECtin mRNA species amplified by RT-PCR from monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Boxes represent the individual exons, and the arrowhead marks the position of the initiation methionine. Dark circles indicate the potential N-glycosylation sites.

Expression of LSECtin mRNA in human MDDC. (A) Relative levels of LSECtin, DC-SIGN, and CD23 mRNA in immature and mature MDDC as determined by gene expression profiling using Codelink Whole Genome Bioarrays. (B) Relative levels of LSECtin mRNA in immature MDDC from two independent donors and monocyte-derived macrophages generated in the presence of either GM-CSF or M-CSF from three independent donors, as determined by gene expression profiling using Codelink Whole Genome Bioarrays. Values represent the intensity of expression normalized with the median of all the intensity values in the microarray. (C) Detection of LSECtin mRNA in hematopoietic cells, cell lines, and in vitro–generated monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells. Total RNA was isolated from the indicated cells and cell lines and subjected to RT-PCR for amplification of the LSECtin coding region and GAPDH (as control). Analyzed RNA was obtained from endothelial cells from normal and HHT donors, resting and activated NK cells, the NK3 NK cell clone, peripheral blood T lymphocytes, MDM (interferon-γ-activated, CAMØ; IL-4-activated, AAMØ), immature or mature (with either lipopolysaccharide or tumor necrosis factor-α) MDDC, and the THP-1 and K562 leukemic cell lines. (D) Schematic representation of the structure of LSECtin mRNA species amplified by RT-PCR from monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Boxes represent the individual exons, and the arrowhead marks the position of the initiation methionine. Dark circles indicate the potential N-glycosylation sites.

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