Figure 1
Correlation of Bcl-2 family proteins with VH gene mutation status, CD38 expression, and ZAP-70 expression. Samples from all 185 patients were analyzed for Bcl-2, Bax, and Mcl-1 protein expression by flow cytometry. The expression of each protein was compared with VH gene mutation status (A-C), CD38 expression (D-F), and ZAP-70 expression (G-I). Bcl-2 and Bax expression were not significantly associated with VH gene mutation status or ZAP-70 expression but were associated with CD38 expression. In contrast, Mcl-1 expression was correlated with VH gene mutation status, CD38 expression, and ZAP-70 expression.

Correlation of Bcl-2 family proteins with VH gene mutation status, CD38 expression, and ZAP-70 expression. Samples from all 185 patients were analyzed for Bcl-2, Bax, and Mcl-1 protein expression by flow cytometry. The expression of each protein was compared with VH gene mutation status (A-C), CD38 expression (D-F), and ZAP-70 expression (G-I). Bcl-2 and Bax expression were not significantly associated with VH gene mutation status or ZAP-70 expression but were associated with CD38 expression. In contrast, Mcl-1 expression was correlated with VH gene mutation status, CD38 expression, and ZAP-70 expression.

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