Figure 4
Figure 4. Blocking OX40L partially reversed the PGE2-induced enhanced capacity of MoDCs to stimulate memory T-cell proliferation. MoDCs were matured with sCD40L in the absence (□) or presence (■) of PGE2, pulsed with tetanus toxoid (TT), and cocultured with autologous CFSE-labeled PBMCs for 6 (A,B) or 12 days (C,D). Graded concentrations of a goat anti–human OX40L-neutralizing antibody (■) or control goat IgG (●) were added to cocultures with PGE2-matured MoDCs, and T-cell proliferation was analyzed by CFSE dilution of live (Sytox Blue negative) cells. Percentages of proliferating, CSFElowCD3+CD4+ (A,C) or CSFElowCD3+CD8+ (B,D) T cells are presented. Mean values and SEM of at least 4 independent experiments with different donors are shown. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

Blocking OX40L partially reversed the PGE2-induced enhanced capacity of MoDCs to stimulate memory T-cell proliferation. MoDCs were matured with sCD40L in the absence (□) or presence (■) of PGE2, pulsed with tetanus toxoid (TT), and cocultured with autologous CFSE-labeled PBMCs for 6 (A,B) or 12 days (C,D). Graded concentrations of a goat anti–human OX40L-neutralizing antibody (■) or control goat IgG (●) were added to cocultures with PGE2-matured MoDCs, and T-cell proliferation was analyzed by CFSE dilution of live (Sytox Blue negative) cells. Percentages of proliferating, CSFElowCD3+CD4+ (A,C) or CSFElowCD3+CD8+ (B,D) T cells are presented. Mean values and SEM of at least 4 independent experiments with different donors are shown. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

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