Figure 5
Figure 5. Early B-cell development is compromised at the CLP stage in tPtch−/− mice. (A) Lin− BM cells from vehicle- and tamoxifen-treated control animals and of day-19 tPtch−/− mice were analyzed by flow cytometry using antibodies against c-kit and Sca-1 (left panels). Fraction I (Lin−c-kithighSca-1−/low) contains mainly precursors of the myeloid lineages, fraction II (Lin−c-kitlowSca-1−/low) represents the CLP-containing compartment, and fraction III (Lin−c-kithighSca-1high) contains uncommitted HSCs and MPPs. The IL-7Rα+ cells within these fractions are shown in the right panels. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments (each experiment consisted of 1 vehicle-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2+/−, 1 tamoxifen-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2−/−, and 1 tPtch−/− mouse). (B) Three hours after intraperitoneal injection of BrdU, Lin− cells of control and day-19 tPtch−/− mice were isolated and labeled with 7-amino actinomycin D (7-AAD), and cells in fractions I to III (described in A) were analyzed by flow cytometry. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments (each experiment consisted of 1 vehicle-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2+/−, 1 tamoxifen-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2−/−, and 1 tPtch−/− mouse). (C) Lin− BM cells of vehicle- and tamoxifen-treated control animals and of day-19 tPtch−/− mice were isolated, and RT-PCR analysis was performed to monitor expression of the genes indicated on the left. cDNA obtained from day-12.5-old embryos (E12.5) served as positive control. ntc indicates no template control. White vertical lines have been inserted to indicate where a gel lane was cut. All lanes within each individual row are from one and the same experiment.

Early B-cell development is compromised at the CLP stage in tPtch−/− mice. (A) Lin BM cells from vehicle- and tamoxifen-treated control animals and of day-19 tPtch−/− mice were analyzed by flow cytometry using antibodies against c-kit and Sca-1 (left panels). Fraction I (Linc-kithighSca-1−/low) contains mainly precursors of the myeloid lineages, fraction II (Linc-kitlowSca-1−/low) represents the CLP-containing compartment, and fraction III (Linc-kithighSca-1high) contains uncommitted HSCs and MPPs. The IL-7Rα+ cells within these fractions are shown in the right panels. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments (each experiment consisted of 1 vehicle-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2+/−, 1 tamoxifen-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2−/−, and 1 tPtch−/− mouse). (B) Three hours after intraperitoneal injection of BrdU, Lin cells of control and day-19 tPtch−/− mice were isolated and labeled with 7-amino actinomycin D (7-AAD), and cells in fractions I to III (described in A) were analyzed by flow cytometry. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments (each experiment consisted of 1 vehicle-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2+/−, 1 tamoxifen-treated Ptchflox/floxERT2−/−, and 1 tPtch−/− mouse). (C) Lin BM cells of vehicle- and tamoxifen-treated control animals and of day-19 tPtch−/− mice were isolated, and RT-PCR analysis was performed to monitor expression of the genes indicated on the left. cDNA obtained from day-12.5-old embryos (E12.5) served as positive control. ntc indicates no template control. White vertical lines have been inserted to indicate where a gel lane was cut. All lanes within each individual row are from one and the same experiment.

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