Figure 2
Figure 2. Effect of Ras on monocyte development. (A) Dual parameter dot plots showing expression of M-CSFR and the myeloid antigen, CD64, on day 3 cells; data are gated on GFP+ cells. Figures indicate the percentage of M-CSFR+ cells ± SD; quadrants delineate background staining using isotype-matched controls. (B) Changes in the frequency of GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells with subsequent culture. (C) Total GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells. (D-F) Differentiation antigen expression on GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells. (G) Morphology of GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells sorted on day 9 (arrows indicate mature macrophages); Wright-Giemsa stain (Leica DM4000B microscope, 40×/0.75 HCL PL objective lens, Leica DC500 digital camera, and Leica IM50 version 4.0 software (Leica, Cambridge, United Kingdom). original magnification ×400). Error bars represent extent of positive or negative SD, shown separately for clarity (n = 6). *P ≤ .05; **P ≤ .01.

Effect of Ras on monocyte development. (A) Dual parameter dot plots showing expression of M-CSFR and the myeloid antigen, CD64, on day 3 cells; data are gated on GFP+ cells. Figures indicate the percentage of M-CSFR+ cells ± SD; quadrants delineate background staining using isotype-matched controls. (B) Changes in the frequency of GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells with subsequent culture. (C) Total GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells. (D-F) Differentiation antigen expression on GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells. (G) Morphology of GFP+, M-CSFR+ cells sorted on day 9 (arrows indicate mature macrophages); Wright-Giemsa stain (Leica DM4000B microscope, 40×/0.75 HCL PL objective lens, Leica DC500 digital camera, and Leica IM50 version 4.0 software (Leica, Cambridge, United Kingdom). original magnification ×400). Error bars represent extent of positive or negative SD, shown separately for clarity (n = 6). *P ≤ .05; **P ≤ .01.

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