Figure 5
Figure 5. Genomic sites bound by GATA-2 and ETS-1 are marked by heavy H3K4 trimethylation and occupied by RNA Pol II. (A) Heatmaps depicting the tag density of GATA2 (dark blue), GATA1 (green), ETS1 (orange), H3K4me3 (teal), H3K27me3 (purple), and Pol II (black) across 6-kb genomic regions centered on the locations of each of the 18 149 GATA2 binding sites ordered by k-means clustering. Each row represents a 6-kb genomic region that surrounds a single GATA2 binding site. Columns represent 25-bp bins that are colored according to tag density. Bins were colored on a linear scale where those with zero tags were colored white and bins with 10 or more tags were colored most intensely. (B) Percentage of GATA2-selective, ETS1-selective, and GATA2/ETS1 shared sites that are located within gene proximal promoters, defined as the 2 kb immediately upstream of an annotated TSS. (C) Percentage of promoters bound by GATA2 and/or ETS1 that are also marked by trimethylation on lysine 4 of histone 3. (D) Percentage of non-promoter genomic regions marked by H3K4me3 that are also bound by GATA2 and/or ETS1. (E-G) Box-and-whisker plots show the tag counts for genomic regions bound by GATA2 and/or ETS1, normalized to 200-bp regions and 10 million total reads.

Genomic sites bound by GATA-2 and ETS-1 are marked by heavy H3K4 trimethylation and occupied by RNA Pol II. (A) Heatmaps depicting the tag density of GATA2 (dark blue), GATA1 (green), ETS1 (orange), H3K4me3 (teal), H3K27me3 (purple), and Pol II (black) across 6-kb genomic regions centered on the locations of each of the 18 149 GATA2 binding sites ordered by k-means clustering. Each row represents a 6-kb genomic region that surrounds a single GATA2 binding site. Columns represent 25-bp bins that are colored according to tag density. Bins were colored on a linear scale where those with zero tags were colored white and bins with 10 or more tags were colored most intensely. (B) Percentage of GATA2-selective, ETS1-selective, and GATA2/ETS1 shared sites that are located within gene proximal promoters, defined as the 2 kb immediately upstream of an annotated TSS. (C) Percentage of promoters bound by GATA2 and/or ETS1 that are also marked by trimethylation on lysine 4 of histone 3. (D) Percentage of non-promoter genomic regions marked by H3K4me3 that are also bound by GATA2 and/or ETS1. (E-G) Box-and-whisker plots show the tag counts for genomic regions bound by GATA2 and/or ETS1, normalized to 200-bp regions and 10 million total reads.

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