Figure 4
Figure 4. GATA-1 and GATA-2 occupied genomic sites are highly enriched for GATA and ETS motifs in megakaryocytes. DREME motif identification of 500-bp sequences surrounding each of the (A) 12 747 GATA1 and (B) 18 149 GATA2 binding sites relative to a shuffled background control. (C) Most enriched motif identified by DREME in megakaryocytic GATA1 binding sites compared with the erythroid GATA1 binding sites as background sequence. The “Motif” column displays the sequence logo generated from the position-weight matrix of the overrepresented motif. The “Sites” column is a count of the number of times a sequence matching the motif appears within the collection of binding site genomic regions. Note that a motif may appear more than one time within a single binding region. “E-value” is a statistical measure of the overrepresentation of the motif; values closer to zero are more statistically significant. The “Matches” column shows the 4 best matches to the motif position-weight matrix from TOMTOM. In parentheses are the unique identifiers for the transcription factor motifs from the Jaspar or Transfac databases.

GATA-1 and GATA-2 occupied genomic sites are highly enriched for GATA and ETS motifs in megakaryocytes. DREME motif identification of 500-bp sequences surrounding each of the (A) 12 747 GATA1 and (B) 18 149 GATA2 binding sites relative to a shuffled background control. (C) Most enriched motif identified by DREME in megakaryocytic GATA1 binding sites compared with the erythroid GATA1 binding sites as background sequence. The “Motif” column displays the sequence logo generated from the position-weight matrix of the overrepresented motif. The “Sites” column is a count of the number of times a sequence matching the motif appears within the collection of binding site genomic regions. Note that a motif may appear more than one time within a single binding region. “E-value” is a statistical measure of the overrepresentation of the motif; values closer to zero are more statistically significant. The “Matches” column shows the 4 best matches to the motif position-weight matrix from TOMTOM. In parentheses are the unique identifiers for the transcription factor motifs from the Jaspar or Transfac databases.

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