The long noncoding gene BGLT3 helps drive fetal γ-globin expression via its RNA transcript and an enhancer-like activity. BGLT3 contacts the γ-globin promoters and the locus control region (LCR; shown in orange). Fetal expressed γ-globin and BGLT3 genes are depicted in red, and adult expressed δ- and β-globin genes and HBBP1 are shown in blue. DNAse I hypersensitive sites (HS) 5, and 3′ HS1 (in green) that flank the β-globin locus are in physical proximity with the HBBP1 noncoding gene in fetal erythroblasts. Professional illustration by Patrick Lane, ScEYEnce Studios.

The long noncoding gene BGLT3 helps drive fetal γ-globin expression via its RNA transcript and an enhancer-like activity. BGLT3 contacts the γ-globin promoters and the locus control region (LCR; shown in orange). Fetal expressed γ-globin and BGLT3 genes are depicted in red, and adult expressed δ- and β-globin genes and HBBP1 are shown in blue. DNAse I hypersensitive sites (HS) 5, and 3′ HS1 (in green) that flank the β-globin locus are in physical proximity with the HBBP1 noncoding gene in fetal erythroblasts. Professional illustration by Patrick Lane, ScEYEnce Studios.

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