Figure 2.
VCAM-1+, F4/80hibone marrow macrophages ingest transfused old RBCs. (A) Gating strategy for identifying bone marrow macrophages (VCAM-1+, F4/80hi, CD11blo) that phagocytose transfused RBCs (GFP+). (B) Frequency of phagocytosis of old RBCs at 2 hours posttransfusion by bone marrow macrophages, Ly6Chi monocytes and granulocytes; although macrophages ingest some transfused RBCs, no such phagocytosis is seen with Ly6Chi monocytes or granulocytes. (C-D) Frequency of ingested GFP+ RBCs at 2 and 24 hours posttransfusion in circulating Ly6Chi monocytes and granulocytes. Data representative of 3 experiments with at least 3 mice per group. *P < .05; ANOVA with Tukey or Sidak multiple comparison test. ns, not significant.

VCAM-1+, F4/80hibone marrow macrophages ingest transfused old RBCs. (A) Gating strategy for identifying bone marrow macrophages (VCAM-1+, F4/80hi, CD11blo) that phagocytose transfused RBCs (GFP+). (B) Frequency of phagocytosis of old RBCs at 2 hours posttransfusion by bone marrow macrophages, Ly6Chi monocytes and granulocytes; although macrophages ingest some transfused RBCs, no such phagocytosis is seen with Ly6Chi monocytes or granulocytes. (C-D) Frequency of ingested GFP+ RBCs at 2 and 24 hours posttransfusion in circulating Ly6Chi monocytes and granulocytes. Data representative of 3 experiments with at least 3 mice per group. *P < .05; ANOVA with Tukey or Sidak multiple comparison test. ns, not significant.

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