Figure 5
Effect of eculizumab on clinical and complement parameters in case 5. Treatments, platelet count, plasma SC5b-9 levels, and serum-induced complement deposition on ADP-activated HMEC-1 (by calculating HMEC-1 area covered by C5b-9 staining in pixel2) after incubation (4 hr) with serum (diluted 1:2 with test medium) from case 5 taken immediately pretransplant before eculizumab treatment (pre-Ecu), at 15 months posttransplant after eculizumab treatment (post-Ecu, 300 or 600 mg), and 21 months posttransplant after eculizumab treatment (post-Ecu, 600 mg). Green arrow indicates eculizumab prophylaxis for kidney transplant. Black arrow indicates the time of kidney transplant. Red arrows indicate times of sampling for plasma SC5b-9 and serum-induced ex vivo complement deposits. Data are mean ± SE of 15 fields examined for each sample. The horizontal rectangle shows range of endothelial C5b-9 deposits with control sera (mean ± SE). °P < .001, °°°P < .05 vs control serum; #P < .01 vs case 5 pre-Ecu; xxxP < .05 vs case 5, 8 days post-Ecu 300 mg.

Effect of eculizumab on clinical and complement parameters in case 5. Treatments, platelet count, plasma SC5b-9 levels, and serum-induced complement deposition on ADP-activated HMEC-1 (by calculating HMEC-1 area covered by C5b-9 staining in pixel2) after incubation (4 hr) with serum (diluted 1:2 with test medium) from case 5 taken immediately pretransplant before eculizumab treatment (pre-Ecu), at 15 months posttransplant after eculizumab treatment (post-Ecu, 300 or 600 mg), and 21 months posttransplant after eculizumab treatment (post-Ecu, 600 mg). Green arrow indicates eculizumab prophylaxis for kidney transplant. Black arrow indicates the time of kidney transplant. Red arrows indicate times of sampling for plasma SC5b-9 and serum-induced ex vivo complement deposits. Data are mean ± SE of 15 fields examined for each sample. The horizontal rectangle shows range of endothelial C5b-9 deposits with control sera (mean ± SE). °P < .001, °°°P < .05 vs control serum; #P < .01 vs case 5 pre-Ecu; xxxP < .05 vs case 5, 8 days post-Ecu 300 mg.

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