Figure 4.
CyTOF analyses of all viable cells. (A) FDLs generated from X-shift analysis within the VorteX visualization environment of all viable singlet cells from 7 primary cHLs and 10 RLNTs. A total of 15 000 events was collected from each sample, and the resulting 255 000 events were pooled together prior to clustering. The X-shift algorithm clusters events according to similarities in expression of CyTOF panel proteins, grouping events with shared lineage, differentiation, and polarization within the pool. Every identified unique population is labeled with a specific color based on the hex color code. (B) Major lineages delineated by expression of key markers: T cells (CD4+ and CD8+), B cells (PAX5+ and MHC class II+), NK cells (CD56+), and macrophages (PD-L1+, MHC class II+, and PAX5−). (C) Heat map of relative expression of each CyTOF panel protein marker in clusters denoted by hex color code (y-axis). Relative expression defined by a z-score. Indicated clusters contain >5% of sampled events per case. Clusters are defined by the expression of lineage and differentiation markers (left, x-axis; right, phenotype key).

CyTOF analyses of all viable cells. (A) FDLs generated from X-shift analysis within the VorteX visualization environment of all viable singlet cells from 7 primary cHLs and 10 RLNTs. A total of 15 000 events was collected from each sample, and the resulting 255 000 events were pooled together prior to clustering. The X-shift algorithm clusters events according to similarities in expression of CyTOF panel proteins, grouping events with shared lineage, differentiation, and polarization within the pool. Every identified unique population is labeled with a specific color based on the hex color code. (B) Major lineages delineated by expression of key markers: T cells (CD4+ and CD8+), B cells (PAX5+ and MHC class II+), NK cells (CD56+), and macrophages (PD-L1+, MHC class II+, and PAX5). (C) Heat map of relative expression of each CyTOF panel protein marker in clusters denoted by hex color code (y-axis). Relative expression defined by a z-score. Indicated clusters contain >5% of sampled events per case. Clusters are defined by the expression of lineage and differentiation markers (left, x-axis; right, phenotype key).

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