Figure 5
Analysis of cell cycle activation during HSPC differentiation at single-cell resolution. (A) Diffusion map of all cells colored by computationally assigned cell cycle category. There is no assignment for G0 separately because of limitations of the method. (B) Proportion of E-SLAMs, LMPPs, GMPs, and MEPs in each of the cell cycle categories. The cell types displayed are based on the narrow gating strategy. (C) Gene set enrichment analysis was performed for the 3 trajectories after the removal of cell cycle genes. The most relevant significant terms for genes positively correlated with pseudotime analysis are shown. Terms with an adjusted P value <.05 (using Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing) were considered significant. The full tables of results can be found in the supplemental Data. (D) Average expression of hydrogen ion transmembrane transport genes and cell cycle genes across pseudotime. Each gene was normalized across the median of all 3 trajectories for plotting. The average expression is colored by trajectory, and means are shown with standard deviations. tRNA, transfer RNA.

Analysis of cell cycle activation during HSPC differentiation at single-cell resolution. (A) Diffusion map of all cells colored by computationally assigned cell cycle category. There is no assignment for G0 separately because of limitations of the method. (B) Proportion of E-SLAMs, LMPPs, GMPs, and MEPs in each of the cell cycle categories. The cell types displayed are based on the narrow gating strategy. (C) Gene set enrichment analysis was performed for the 3 trajectories after the removal of cell cycle genes. The most relevant significant terms for genes positively correlated with pseudotime analysis are shown. Terms with an adjusted P value <.05 (using Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing) were considered significant. The full tables of results can be found in the supplemental Data. (D) Average expression of hydrogen ion transmembrane transport genes and cell cycle genes across pseudotime. Each gene was normalized across the median of all 3 trajectories for plotting. The average expression is colored by trajectory, and means are shown with standard deviations. tRNA, transfer RNA.

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