Figure 2
Figure 2. Reduction of hepatic membrane HJV protein in Tmprss6−/− E17.5 fetuses and neonates. Analysis of liver membrane Hjv protein in Tmprss6−/− E17.5 fetuses (A) and during postnatal development (B) or in adult Tmprss6 × Bmp6 mice (C) assessed by immunoblot analysis. A representative blot is presented. A sample from an adult Hjv−/− mouse was used to control the specificity of the Hjv-related band. Antibody recognizing β-actin was used as a loading control. Quantification was performed using ImageJ and is presented in supplemental Figure 7.

Reduction of hepatic membrane HJV protein in Tmprss6−/− E17.5 fetuses and neonates. Analysis of liver membrane Hjv protein in Tmprss6−/− E17.5 fetuses (A) and during postnatal development (B) or in adult Tmprss6 × Bmp6 mice (C) assessed by immunoblot analysis. A representative blot is presented. A sample from an adult Hjv−/− mouse was used to control the specificity of the Hjv-related band. Antibody recognizing β-actin was used as a loading control. Quantification was performed using ImageJ and is presented in supplemental Figure 7.

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