Figure 4
Figure 4. LSC-enriched population expresses self-renewal gene-expression signature. Primary leukemia cells harvested from spleens were sorted into immunophenotypic subpopulations (Mac-1High, Mac-1LowKit–Sca-1–, Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1–, and Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1+). (A) Sorted cells were plated in methylcellulose CFAs. The number of colonies that developed per 4000 cells plated is noted. Numbers represent the average of 7 independent experiments. 95% confidence intervals are indicated. (B) 105 sorted cells were intravenously injected into SCID/Beige mice. Disease-free survival is indicated. Each group consisted of 7 or 8 mice. P values noted reflect comparisons between the (*) Mac1LowKit+Sca1+ vs Mac1High groups and (**) Mac1LowKit+Sca1+ and unsorted groups. (C-E) Cells from each sorted subpopulation were submitted for RNA sequencing. (C) The NRASG12D-directed gene-expression signature specific to self-renewing HSCs9 is enriched in the LSC-enriched subpopulation (Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1+). (D) The MLL-AF9-mediated self-renewal gene-expression signature is enriched in the LSC-enriched subpopulation (Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1+). (E) The NRASG12V leukemia self-renewal signature was derived by identifying the NRASG12V-mediated gene-expression profile that is also present in the LSC-enriched subpopulation.

LSC-enriched population expresses self-renewal gene-expression signature. Primary leukemia cells harvested from spleens were sorted into immunophenotypic subpopulations (Mac-1High, Mac-1LowKitSca-1, Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1, and Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1+). (A) Sorted cells were plated in methylcellulose CFAs. The number of colonies that developed per 4000 cells plated is noted. Numbers represent the average of 7 independent experiments. 95% confidence intervals are indicated. (B) 105 sorted cells were intravenously injected into SCID/Beige mice. Disease-free survival is indicated. Each group consisted of 7 or 8 mice. P values noted reflect comparisons between the (*) Mac1LowKit+Sca1+ vs Mac1High groups and (**) Mac1LowKit+Sca1+ and unsorted groups. (C-E) Cells from each sorted subpopulation were submitted for RNA sequencing. (C) The NRASG12D-directed gene-expression signature specific to self-renewing HSCs is enriched in the LSC-enriched subpopulation (Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1+). (D) The MLL-AF9-mediated self-renewal gene-expression signature is enriched in the LSC-enriched subpopulation (Mac-1LowKit+Sca-1+). (E) The NRASG12V leukemia self-renewal signature was derived by identifying the NRASG12V-mediated gene-expression profile that is also present in the LSC-enriched subpopulation.

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