Figure 2
Figure 2. Transcriptome analyses: human primary Tfh, Teff, and naive T cells have distinct expression profiles. (A) Tfh, Teff, and naive T-cell transcriptomes were obtained by RNA-seq and subjected to multidimensional scaling analysis of expressed genes. Symbols representing 3 or 4 biologic replicates of Tfh (red squares), Teff (blue circles), and naive T cells (green triangles) clustered together, indicating that samples from each cell type are closely related and distinct from the other cell types. (B) Venn diagram display of differentially expressed genes. (C) Heat map display of gene expression patterns of differentially expressed genes. Red represents elevated expression while blue represents decreased expression, compared with the row mean. Each column represents a biologic replicate. Genes displayed in panels B and C were selected based on fold changes of 2 or more and FDR adjusted P value < .05 between cell types. (D) RNA coverage profiles of representative differentially expressed genes. FDR, false discovery rate.

Transcriptome analyses: human primary Tfh, Teff, and naive T cells have distinct expression profiles. (A) Tfh, Teff, and naive T-cell transcriptomes were obtained by RNA-seq and subjected to multidimensional scaling analysis of expressed genes. Symbols representing 3 or 4 biologic replicates of Tfh (red squares), Teff (blue circles), and naive T cells (green triangles) clustered together, indicating that samples from each cell type are closely related and distinct from the other cell types. (B) Venn diagram display of differentially expressed genes. (C) Heat map display of gene expression patterns of differentially expressed genes. Red represents elevated expression while blue represents decreased expression, compared with the row mean. Each column represents a biologic replicate. Genes displayed in panels B and C were selected based on fold changes of 2 or more and FDR adjusted P value < .05 between cell types. (D) RNA coverage profiles of representative differentially expressed genes. FDR, false discovery rate.

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