Figure 4
CXCR4 inhibition recruits immature NK cells in BM sinusoids and the peripheral blood. Flow cytometric analysis of BM, LNs, and blood NK cells in WT mice treated for 1 hour with saline (control) or AMD3100 and injected intravenously with PE-conjugated anti-CD45 mAb for the final 2 minutes. (A) Mean ± SD percentage of CD45+ cells in gated NK cells in each group, as indicated. (B) Mean ± SD number of NK cells among PBMC (for 1 mL of blood) in each group, as indicated (n = 5 mice in each group). (C) Representative FACS plot of CD27/CD11b expression in gated CD45+ (sinusoidal) NK cells from BM and LNs and in gated blood NK cells in mice of each group, as indicated. (D) Mean ± SD percentage of CD45+ sinusoidal cells within each NK-cell subset and in mice of each group, as indicated (n = 5 mice in each group).

CXCR4 inhibition recruits immature NK cells in BM sinusoids and the peripheral blood. Flow cytometric analysis of BM, LNs, and blood NK cells in WT mice treated for 1 hour with saline (control) or AMD3100 and injected intravenously with PE-conjugated anti-CD45 mAb for the final 2 minutes. (A) Mean ± SD percentage of CD45+ cells in gated NK cells in each group, as indicated. (B) Mean ± SD number of NK cells among PBMC (for 1 mL of blood) in each group, as indicated (n = 5 mice in each group). (C) Representative FACS plot of CD27/CD11b expression in gated CD45+ (sinusoidal) NK cells from BM and LNs and in gated blood NK cells in mice of each group, as indicated. (D) Mean ± SD percentage of CD45+ sinusoidal cells within each NK-cell subset and in mice of each group, as indicated (n = 5 mice in each group).

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