Figure 3
Figure 3. Multivariate survival analysis-sensitivity analysis on HRs for rituximab plus chemotherapy. This figure presents the results of 3 sets (all-cause mortality, cancer mortality, and noncancer mortality) of 4 multivariate survival analyses (2 for survival during the entire observation period and 2 for survival during the first 2 years of follow-up) designed to test the sensitivity of the findings reported in Table 3 to changes in the specification of the outcome variable and the approach to multivariate analysis. Standard multivariate survival analyses (*) were performed with all individual patient variables included in the model. Propensity multivariate survival analyses (**) were performed with propensity score quintile included in the model as a substitute for all patient variables except rituximab plus chemotherapy, year of diagnosis, and the interaction between year of diagnosis and rituximab plus chemotherapy. The third analysis in each of the 3 major groupings (all-cause mortality, cancer mortality, and noncancer mortality), labeled as Standard MV* 2 year follow-up, is the “baseline” analysis included in Table 3. The y-axis indicates the HR for rituximab plus chemotherapy compared with chemotherapy alone. Triangles represent the estimated HR for rituximab plus chemotherapy compared with chemotherapy alone from the corresponding model on the x-axis. Bars around each triangle represent the upper and lower bounds of the 95% CI for the HR. CIs that overlap the horizontal line at the HR of 1.0 indicate that the estimated HR for rituximab plus chemotherapy is not significant at P = .05.

Multivariate survival analysis-sensitivity analysis on HRs for rituximab plus chemotherapy. This figure presents the results of 3 sets (all-cause mortality, cancer mortality, and noncancer mortality) of 4 multivariate survival analyses (2 for survival during the entire observation period and 2 for survival during the first 2 years of follow-up) designed to test the sensitivity of the findings reported in Table 3 to changes in the specification of the outcome variable and the approach to multivariate analysis. Standard multivariate survival analyses (*) were performed with all individual patient variables included in the model. Propensity multivariate survival analyses (**) were performed with propensity score quintile included in the model as a substitute for all patient variables except rituximab plus chemotherapy, year of diagnosis, and the interaction between year of diagnosis and rituximab plus chemotherapy. The third analysis in each of the 3 major groupings (all-cause mortality, cancer mortality, and noncancer mortality), labeled as Standard MV* 2 year follow-up, is the “baseline” analysis included in Table 3. The y-axis indicates the HR for rituximab plus chemotherapy compared with chemotherapy alone. Triangles represent the estimated HR for rituximab plus chemotherapy compared with chemotherapy alone from the corresponding model on the x-axis. Bars around each triangle represent the upper and lower bounds of the 95% CI for the HR. CIs that overlap the horizontal line at the HR of 1.0 indicate that the estimated HR for rituximab plus chemotherapy is not significant at P = .05.

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