Figure 4
Figure 4. miR-145–mediated suppression of Fli-1 cooperates with RPS14 to suppress 5q− syndrome. Relative both to a lentivirus for an shRNA-targeting Renilla luciferase (shluc) and to a control lentivirus (LacZ) coinfected with an shRNA against RPS14 (shRPS14 #1), expression of a miRNA sponge targeting miR-145 promotes megakaryocytic relative to erythroid differentiation in CD34+ progenitors as assessed in Figure 1A. These experiments were performed in triplicate and replicated 3 times. *P < .05. ***P < .0005.

miR-145–mediated suppression of Fli-1 cooperates with RPS14 to suppress 5q− syndrome. Relative both to a lentivirus for an shRNA-targeting Renilla luciferase (shluc) and to a control lentivirus (LacZ) coinfected with an shRNA against RPS14 (shRPS14 #1), expression of a miRNA sponge targeting miR-145 promotes megakaryocytic relative to erythroid differentiation in CD34+ progenitors as assessed in Figure 1A. These experiments were performed in triplicate and replicated 3 times. *P < .05. ***P < .0005.

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