Figure 4
Figure 4. Expression of protein targets of deregulated miRNA. (A) IHC showing overexpression of (i) BLIMP1, (ii) MUM1, and (iii) STATHMIN in the tumor cells. BLIMP1 and MUM1 are expressed in the nuclei, whereas STATHMIN is expressed in the cytoplasm of the neoplastic lymphoid cells. All photographs were taken with a DP20 Olympus camera (Olympus) using an Olympus BX41 microscope (Olympus); images were acquired using DP Controller 2002 (Olympus) and processed using Adobe Photoshop Version 7.0 (Adobe Systems). Original magnifications ×600. (B) The percentage of tumor cells staining for the different protein markers are represented in the form of a heat map. The color scale corresponding to the percentage of positive staining cells is appended in the left upper corner. Samples with results represented by white indicate that the stain was not done because of inadequate material. Cases with the highest expression of STATHMIN, MUM1, and BLIMP1 also have the highest expression of MYC. (C) The expression of mRNA corresponding to these proteins was higher in those samples where > 10% of tumor cells are staining positive for each protein marker. For BLIMP1 and MUM1, it is statistically significant.

Expression of protein targets of deregulated miRNA. (A) IHC showing overexpression of (i) BLIMP1, (ii) MUM1, and (iii) STATHMIN in the tumor cells. BLIMP1 and MUM1 are expressed in the nuclei, whereas STATHMIN is expressed in the cytoplasm of the neoplastic lymphoid cells. All photographs were taken with a DP20 Olympus camera (Olympus) using an Olympus BX41 microscope (Olympus); images were acquired using DP Controller 2002 (Olympus) and processed using Adobe Photoshop Version 7.0 (Adobe Systems). Original magnifications ×600. (B) The percentage of tumor cells staining for the different protein markers are represented in the form of a heat map. The color scale corresponding to the percentage of positive staining cells is appended in the left upper corner. Samples with results represented by white indicate that the stain was not done because of inadequate material. Cases with the highest expression of STATHMIN, MUM1, and BLIMP1 also have the highest expression of MYC. (C) The expression of mRNA corresponding to these proteins was higher in those samples where > 10% of tumor cells are staining positive for each protein marker. For BLIMP1 and MUM1, it is statistically significant.

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