Figure 5
Figure 5. DC progenitor mobilization from the BM. CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 or PBS were injected subcutaneously. The absolute number of CDPs was assessed by flow cytometry, 1 hour after injection of PBS, and 1 and 4 hours after injection of AMD3100. The results for BM (A; n.s. indicates not significant), blood (B), spleen (C), and subcutaneous LNs (D) of 6 independent experiments using a total of 7 to 9 mice (1 filled square per mouse) per condition are shown. CDPs were gated as Lin− c-kitint Flt3+ M-CSFR+ IL7Rα− CD11c− MHC II−. Mean values are depicted (horizontal lines), and where significant, the levels of significant difference between PBS-injected controls and AMD3100-injected animals are indicated. TLR agonists were injected intravenously, and the numbers of Lin(*)− CD11c+ MHC II− cells, corresponding to pre-DCs, were assessed by flow cytometry after 12 hours in the BM (E) and blood (F). The total number of pre-DCs is indicated for each individual animal. The data from 2 independent experiments using a total of 5 mice per condition are shown. Mean values are depicted (horizontal lines), and where significant, the levels of significant difference between PBS- and TLR agonist-injected animals are indicated.

DC progenitor mobilization from the BM. CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 or PBS were injected subcutaneously. The absolute number of CDPs was assessed by flow cytometry, 1 hour after injection of PBS, and 1 and 4 hours after injection of AMD3100. The results for BM (A; n.s. indicates not significant), blood (B), spleen (C), and subcutaneous LNs (D) of 6 independent experiments using a total of 7 to 9 mice (1 filled square per mouse) per condition are shown. CDPs were gated as Lin c-kitint Flt3+ M-CSFR+ IL7Rα CD11c MHC II. Mean values are depicted (horizontal lines), and where significant, the levels of significant difference between PBS-injected controls and AMD3100-injected animals are indicated. TLR agonists were injected intravenously, and the numbers of Lin(*) CD11c+ MHC II cells, corresponding to pre-DCs, were assessed by flow cytometry after 12 hours in the BM (E) and blood (F). The total number of pre-DCs is indicated for each individual animal. The data from 2 independent experiments using a total of 5 mice per condition are shown. Mean values are depicted (horizontal lines), and where significant, the levels of significant difference between PBS- and TLR agonist-injected animals are indicated.

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