Figure 2
Figure 2. A unique population of LN cells expresses CD49b and CD127 but not mature lymphocyte markers. (A) Freshly isolated LN cells were stained with antibodies to CD3 and CD127, and CD3− cells were gated as shown by rectangles (top). The gated cells were analyzed for the expression of the NK cell markers NKp46 and CD49b (center). CD49b+NKp46− cells were further gated as shown by rectangles in contour plots, and the expression of CD127 on CD3−NKp46−CD49b+ cells from wild-type B6 and athymic nude mice was analyzed (bottom). (B) Lin− (CD122, NK1.1, CD3ϵ, CD4, CD8α, TCRβ, TCRγδ, CD11b, CD11c, CD19, B220, Gr-1, Ter-119) CD49b+ cells from LN, BM, spleen (SP), and liver were gated, and the expression of CD127 and CD117 (c-Kit) was analyzed. (C) Lin−CD49b+CD127+ cells in the LN were gated and analyzed for the expression of B220, CD27, 2B4, and NKp46. All the FACS profiles are representative of 3 independent experiments, and the numbers show average (± SD) percentages of cells within the indicated gates calculated from ≥ 3 independent experiments.

A unique population of LN cells expresses CD49b and CD127 but not mature lymphocyte markers. (A) Freshly isolated LN cells were stained with antibodies to CD3 and CD127, and CD3 cells were gated as shown by rectangles (top). The gated cells were analyzed for the expression of the NK cell markers NKp46 and CD49b (center). CD49b+NKp46 cells were further gated as shown by rectangles in contour plots, and the expression of CD127 on CD3NKp46CD49b+ cells from wild-type B6 and athymic nude mice was analyzed (bottom). (B) Lin (CD122, NK1.1, CD3ϵ, CD4, CD8α, TCRβ, TCRγδ, CD11b, CD11c, CD19, B220, Gr-1, Ter-119) CD49b+ cells from LN, BM, spleen (SP), and liver were gated, and the expression of CD127 and CD117 (c-Kit) was analyzed. (C) LinCD49b+CD127+ cells in the LN were gated and analyzed for the expression of B220, CD27, 2B4, and NKp46. All the FACS profiles are representative of 3 independent experiments, and the numbers show average (± SD) percentages of cells within the indicated gates calculated from ≥ 3 independent experiments.

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