Figure 4
The frequency of circulating plasmablasts and plasma cells is not impaired in persons who have undergone splenectomy. Normal frequencies of CD19+/CD20−/CD27high plasmablasts and plasma cells1 among CD19+ B cells were detectable in 2 persons who underwent a splenectomy (A-B). These plasmablasts and plasma cells show characteristics of homeostatic mucosal plasmablasts in that they produce of IgA (C-D) and express β7 integrin but rarely CD62L (E-F). Frequencies indicate proportions of gated cells among the total cell number shown in each dot plot.

The frequency of circulating plasmablasts and plasma cells is not impaired in persons who have undergone splenectomy. Normal frequencies of CD19+/CD20/CD27high plasmablasts and plasma cells among CD19+ B cells were detectable in 2 persons who underwent a splenectomy (A-B). These plasmablasts and plasma cells show characteristics of homeostatic mucosal plasmablasts in that they produce of IgA (C-D) and express β7 integrin but rarely CD62L (E-F). Frequencies indicate proportions of gated cells among the total cell number shown in each dot plot.

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