Figure 2
Figure 2. Comparing the GC B-cell and hESC EZH2 regulons. (A) Overlap between sets of promoters targeted by EZH2 in GC B cells (yellow) and hESCs (turquoise). EZH2 target promoters in GC B cells were obtained from 4 ChIP-chip replicate experiments. FDR (10%) was used as threshold in each replicate, and only statistically significant peaks observed in > 50% of 4 replicates were retained; see Methods for details. EZH2 target promoters in hESCs were obtained from a published ChIP-seq study.18 (B) Certain processes, pathways, and biochemical functions from the Gene Ontology and KEGG databases are specifically enriched in GC B-cell or common EZH2 target genes. In these heatmaps, rows correspond to pathways and biochemical functions, while columns correspond to gene sets targeted by EZH2 in distinct cell types. Red entries in the heatmap correspond to significant (P < .01) enrichment of specific pathways/functions. Black entries indicate no significant enrichment. Enrichment P values were calculated using the hypergeometric distribution.

Comparing the GC B-cell and hESC EZH2 regulons. (A) Overlap between sets of promoters targeted by EZH2 in GC B cells (yellow) and hESCs (turquoise). EZH2 target promoters in GC B cells were obtained from 4 ChIP-chip replicate experiments. FDR (10%) was used as threshold in each replicate, and only statistically significant peaks observed in > 50% of 4 replicates were retained; see Methods for details. EZH2 target promoters in hESCs were obtained from a published ChIP-seq study.18  (B) Certain processes, pathways, and biochemical functions from the Gene Ontology and KEGG databases are specifically enriched in GC B-cell or common EZH2 target genes. In these heatmaps, rows correspond to pathways and biochemical functions, while columns correspond to gene sets targeted by EZH2 in distinct cell types. Red entries in the heatmap correspond to significant (P < .01) enrichment of specific pathways/functions. Black entries indicate no significant enrichment. Enrichment P values were calculated using the hypergeometric distribution.

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