Figure 3
Figure 3. The effect of IMMU-114 on peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy volunteers. Decreases in CD19+ and CD3+ cells present in the lymphocyte gate after a 2-day incubation of heparinized whole blood of healthy volunteers with mAbs were measured. Data are shown as percentage of untreated control. Error bars represent SD of 3 replicates. *Significant decrease (P < .05) in positive cell count relative to no mAb control.

The effect of IMMU-114 on peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy volunteers. Decreases in CD19+ and CD3+ cells present in the lymphocyte gate after a 2-day incubation of heparinized whole blood of healthy volunteers with mAbs were measured. Data are shown as percentage of untreated control. Error bars represent SD of 3 replicates. *Significant decrease (P < .05) in positive cell count relative to no mAb control.

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