Figure 6
Figure 6. Loss of Akt1 delays B-ALL development. (A) Gross appearance and Kaplan-Meier–style survival curves for recipients of BCR-ABL–transduced bone marrow cells from wild-type (WT) or Akt1−/− mice. B-ALL mice transduced from wild-type mice are treated with placebo (n = 20) or imatinib (IM; n = 10, 100 mg/kg, twice a day) and B-ALL mice transduced from Akt1−/− mice are also treated with placebo (n = 25) or imatinib (n = 10, 100 mg/kg, twice a day). (B) Bone marrow cells were harvested from recipients of BCR-ABL transduced wild-type or Akt1−/− bone marrow cells and were stained with antibodies against CD43 and B220 (representing pro-B cells) for FACS analysis. (C) FACS analysis showed the numbers of peripheral blood leukemia cells (GFP+B220+) in recipients of BCR-ABL-GFP–transduced wild-type or Akt1−/− bone marrow cells.

Loss of Akt1 delays B-ALL development. (A) Gross appearance and Kaplan-Meier–style survival curves for recipients of BCR-ABL–transduced bone marrow cells from wild-type (WT) or Akt1−/− mice. B-ALL mice transduced from wild-type mice are treated with placebo (n = 20) or imatinib (IM; n = 10, 100 mg/kg, twice a day) and B-ALL mice transduced from Akt1−/− mice are also treated with placebo (n = 25) or imatinib (n = 10, 100 mg/kg, twice a day). (B) Bone marrow cells were harvested from recipients of BCR-ABL transduced wild-type or Akt1−/− bone marrow cells and were stained with antibodies against CD43 and B220 (representing pro-B cells) for FACS analysis. (C) FACS analysis showed the numbers of peripheral blood leukemia cells (GFP+B220+) in recipients of BCR-ABL-GFP–transduced wild-type or Akt1−/− bone marrow cells.

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