Monocyte rolling in inflamed retinal vessels is increased by blocking antibody to PSGL-1 but not LFA-1. Freshly isolated EGFP bone marrow–derived monocytes (8 × 106; A,B) were injected intravenously into mice immunized 21 to 24 days previously with peptide to induce EAU. After 48 hours, cell trafficking in the retinal vasculature was analyzed by SLO. Retinal images were recorded for 15 minutes, and then mice were injected intravenously with 30 μg/mouse of rat anti–mouse antibody to PSGL-1 (A) or LFA-1 (B) and recording continued for a further 20 minutes. Rolling velocity of transferred EGFP-expressing monocytes or T cells expressed as micrometers per second was calculated as described in “In vivo monocyte trafficking using scanning laser ophthalmoscopy” and for monocytes; data were compared before and after antibody treatment. The horizontal bar indicates the median value. *P < .05; **P < .01; Student paired t test; n was at least 36 randomly chosen rolling cells in venules of 3 mice.