Figure 2
Figure 2. Hemangioblasts derived from sclRER/RER ES cells produce hematopoietic cells. (A) Steps involved in the BL-CFC colony assay. MeC indicates methylcellulose. (B) Representative blast colonies from wild-type (sclWt/Wt) and mutant (sclRER/RER) EB cells (left and right) and secondary EB from scl−/− cells (middle; original magnification, ×200). (C) Frequency of blast colonies (Blast), transitional colonies (Trans), and secondary EBs (EBs) in sclWt/Wt, scl−/−, and sclRER/RER cultures. Error bars indicate plus or minus 1 SD from 5 independent experiments. (D) When replated on Matrigel-coated wells, blast colonies gave rise to hematopoietic (cells in suspension) and endothelial (adherent cells) compartments (left and right). In contrast, the scl−/− EBs only gave rise to adherent cells and a core of cells (middle; original magnification, ×100). (E) The hematopoietic cells shown in panel D (left and right) were replated in methylcellulose. Primitive erythroid (Pery; original magnification, ×200) and myeloid (original magnification, ×40) colonies were observed.

Hemangioblasts derived from sclRER/RER ES cells produce hematopoietic cells. (A) Steps involved in the BL-CFC colony assay. MeC indicates methylcellulose. (B) Representative blast colonies from wild-type (sclWt/Wt) and mutant (sclRER/RER) EB cells (left and right) and secondary EB from scl−/− cells (middle; original magnification, ×200). (C) Frequency of blast colonies (Blast), transitional colonies (Trans), and secondary EBs (EBs) in sclWt/Wt, scl−/−, and sclRER/RER cultures. Error bars indicate plus or minus 1 SD from 5 independent experiments. (D) When replated on Matrigel-coated wells, blast colonies gave rise to hematopoietic (cells in suspension) and endothelial (adherent cells) compartments (left and right). In contrast, the scl−/− EBs only gave rise to adherent cells and a core of cells (middle; original magnification, ×100). (E) The hematopoietic cells shown in panel D (left and right) were replated in methylcellulose. Primitive erythroid (Pery; original magnification, ×200) and myeloid (original magnification, ×40) colonies were observed.

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