Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Semiquantitative analysis of lung histopathology (A) and pulmonary function (B and C) 6 weeks after BMT. CBA mice received BMT as in Fig 1 (syngeneic □, allo TCD BM alone ▩, allo TCD BM and T cells ▪). Lungs were obtained after BMT and analyzed as described in Materials and Methods. Significant lung injury was present in animals receiving allogeneic T cells compared with syngeneic BMT recipients (**P < .01). TCD significantly reduced (#P < .01), but did not eliminate, lung injury and pathology scores after TCD BMT remained significantly increased compared with syngeneic controls (*P < .01). Pulmonary dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and airway conductance (GL) were measured in live transplanted animals as described in Materials and Methods. Lung injury that developed in mice with GVHD was associated with significant decreases in Cdynand GL compared with syngeneic controls (**P < .01). Mice receiving TCD BMT showed significant improvements in Cdyn (B) but not GL (C) compared with animals with GVHD (#P = .01), but both measurements remained significantly reduced compared with syngeneic controls (*P < .01). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (n = 12 to 15 per group).

Semiquantitative analysis of lung histopathology (A) and pulmonary function (B and C) 6 weeks after BMT. CBA mice received BMT as in Fig 1 (syngeneic □, allo TCD BM alone ▩, allo TCD BM and T cells ▪). Lungs were obtained after BMT and analyzed as described in Materials and Methods. Significant lung injury was present in animals receiving allogeneic T cells compared with syngeneic BMT recipients (**P < .01). TCD significantly reduced (#P < .01), but did not eliminate, lung injury and pathology scores after TCD BMT remained significantly increased compared with syngeneic controls (*P < .01). Pulmonary dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and airway conductance (GL) were measured in live transplanted animals as described in Materials and Methods. Lung injury that developed in mice with GVHD was associated with significant decreases in Cdynand GL compared with syngeneic controls (**P < .01). Mice receiving TCD BMT showed significant improvements in Cdyn (B) but not GL (C) compared with animals with GVHD (#P = .01), but both measurements remained significantly reduced compared with syngeneic controls (*P < .01). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (n = 12 to 15 per group).

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