Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Expression of vectors in murine cells in vivo. / FACS analyses of GFP expression in mice 11 weeks after BMT of Sca+/Lin− cells transduced with the H2BGW, I8HKGW, and HTKGW vectors. Representative mice with the relatively same donor cell engraftment and proviral copy number are shown. (A) Peripheral blood analyses of RBCs and WBCs (after RBC lysis) showing GFP expression (x-axes) in the erythroid, B cells, T cells, and granulocytes (y-axes). (B) BM analyses of erythroid cells in the same mice at progressively increasing stages of erythroid differentiation. Small (I—RBC), intermediate (II—intermediate normoblasts), and large cells (III—early normoblasts) were gated based on their FCS profile and Ter-119 expression. The percentages mentioned in different quadrants denote the proportion of cells present in that quadrant.

Expression of vectors in murine cells in vivo.

FACS analyses of GFP expression in mice 11 weeks after BMT of Sca+/Lin cells transduced with the H2BGW, I8HKGW, and HTKGW vectors. Representative mice with the relatively same donor cell engraftment and proviral copy number are shown. (A) Peripheral blood analyses of RBCs and WBCs (after RBC lysis) showing GFP expression (x-axes) in the erythroid, B cells, T cells, and granulocytes (y-axes). (B) BM analyses of erythroid cells in the same mice at progressively increasing stages of erythroid differentiation. Small (I—RBC), intermediate (II—intermediate normoblasts), and large cells (III—early normoblasts) were gated based on their FCS profile and Ter-119 expression. The percentages mentioned in different quadrants denote the proportion of cells present in that quadrant.

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