Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Representative immunoblot data for apoptosis-regulatory proteins in B-CLLs. Detergent lysates from B-CLLs were normalized for total protein content (25 μg per lane) and subjected to SDS-PAGE/immunoblot assay (12% gels) using various antibodies and a method for sequential detection of multiple antigens from the same blot.31 Representative ECL results are shown for 2 groups of patients (left/right). The t(14;18)-containing B-cell lymphoma line RS11846 and a B-lymphoblastoid line BJAB are shown for comparison. Note that BAG-1 was present as two proteins. Preliminary data suggest that the larger of these may represent a phosphorylated version of the protein (unpublished observations). Both bands were combined for densitometric scanning analysis.

Representative immunoblot data for apoptosis-regulatory proteins in B-CLLs. Detergent lysates from B-CLLs were normalized for total protein content (25 μg per lane) and subjected to SDS-PAGE/immunoblot assay (12% gels) using various antibodies and a method for sequential detection of multiple antigens from the same blot.31 Representative ECL results are shown for 2 groups of patients (left/right). The t(14;18)-containing B-cell lymphoma line RS11846 and a B-lymphoblastoid line BJAB are shown for comparison. Note that BAG-1 was present as two proteins. Preliminary data suggest that the larger of these may represent a phosphorylated version of the protein (unpublished observations). Both bands were combined for densitometric scanning analysis.

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