Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Effect of HNF-4 on transient expression of reporter constructs in P19 cells. P19 cells were cotransfected with the reporter plasmids shown in the figure and HNF-4 expression plasmid [pLEn(M4)LPHNF-4] to determine if HNF-4 activates the Epo enhancer in P19 cells. In (A), combination of LDHA promoter (LP) and Epo enhancer (En); in (B), combination of human Epo promoter (0.2k) and En. Transient expression of reporter constructs in 21% and 2% oxygen was assayed. The ratio of HNF-4 expression plasmid versus reporter plasmid is shown. Hypoxic inducibility (the ratio of Luc activity in 2% oxygenv 21% oxygen) is indicated. Each value is the mean ± SD of triplicate experiments.

Effect of HNF-4 on transient expression of reporter constructs in P19 cells. P19 cells were cotransfected with the reporter plasmids shown in the figure and HNF-4 expression plasmid [pLEn(M4)LPHNF-4] to determine if HNF-4 activates the Epo enhancer in P19 cells. In (A), combination of LDHA promoter (LP) and Epo enhancer (En); in (B), combination of human Epo promoter (0.2k) and En. Transient expression of reporter constructs in 21% and 2% oxygen was assayed. The ratio of HNF-4 expression plasmid versus reporter plasmid is shown. Hypoxic inducibility (the ratio of Luc activity in 2% oxygenv 21% oxygen) is indicated. Each value is the mean ± SD of triplicate experiments.

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