Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. (A) Schematic representation of the breakpoint regions in 8q24 and 14q32 and location of the respective FISH probes. (B) Ideogram representing the expected localization of signals by two-color FISH in t(8;14)− and + metaphase and interphase cells. Red color: C-myc-pool probe spanning the breakpoint region in 8q24; Green color: COS-cα1 hybridizing to the cα1-gene of the IgH locus in 14q32. T(8;14)+ interphase displaying the type I signal constellation show a split of one red (c-myc) signal and colocalization of one green and one red signal. Cells meeting type II criteria show a colocalization of one green and one red signal irrespective of a split of the c-myc signal.

(A) Schematic representation of the breakpoint regions in 8q24 and 14q32 and location of the respective FISH probes. (B) Ideogram representing the expected localization of signals by two-color FISH in t(8;14)and + metaphase and interphase cells. Red color: C-myc-pool probe spanning the breakpoint region in 8q24; Green color: COS-cα1 hybridizing to the cα1-gene of the IgH locus in 14q32. T(8;14)+ interphase displaying the type I signal constellation show a split of one red (c-myc) signal and colocalization of one green and one red signal. Cells meeting type II criteria show a colocalization of one green and one red signal irrespective of a split of the c-myc signal.

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